Echo Organ
The antiphonal division in the loft has 17 stops and 1,222 pipes. An acoustic channel measuring approximately 20 metres in length carries the sound up to the ceiling rose (sound hole) in the centre of the church ceiling at a height of 27 metres. The ceiling rose was rebuilt according to the original plans of 1910. Unique features include the high-pressure division and a so-called ‘rain machine’, which is a drum with pebbles that generates the pattering sound of rain.
The original antiphonal division was built as a then-modern addition to the large organ in 1912, its only function to send pianissimo nuances through the acoustic lattice in the cupola inside the church interior. When it came time to restore it, a decision was made against simply reconstructing the antiphonal division of the Walcker organ. Instead, this subdivision was developed as a rich complement to the organ system. The antiphonal division can only be played at the primary console.
Windlade mit Normaldruck C–c5
Bordun 16’
Prinzipal 8’
Tibia 8’
Salicional 8’
Echo Gamba 8’
Schwebung ab c 8’
Fugara 4’
Gemshorn 4’
Harmonia aetheria 4fach 2 2/3’
Horn 8’
Windlade Hochdruck (HD) C–c5
Prinzipal HD 8’
Gamba HD 8’
Tuba HD, komb. m. 8’ 16’
Tuba HD 8’
(Oktavauszug aus Tuba 8’ HD
Pedal C–g1
Violon 16’ Bordun
(aus Manual-Bordun) 16’
Violon 8’
(Oktavauszug aus Violon 16’)
Subkoppel FW
Superkoppel FW, expanded to c5
Subkoppel FW-HD
Superkoppel FW-HD, expanded to c5
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